Sunday, July 29, 2007

Multnomah Falls, Oregon

We just got home from a weekend trip to Oregon. We had a chance to check out Multnomah Falls, the 2nd highest year-long waterfall in the US. Multnomah Falls is about 20 miles east of Portland, along the Columbia River.

Here's a link to a US Forest Service site with more info.


Me and Mackenzie :))) said...

where is this taken?

Laurence Norton said...

Just off the Columbia river about 20 miles upriver from Portland. You can see it here:,+or&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=34.038806,81.738281&ie=UTF8&ll=45.578484,-122.118874&spn=0.117508,0.31929&z=12&iwloc=addr&om=1>

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