Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Flatey Island

Today we took a ferry out to Flatey Island. It's a very small island, with 15-20 houses, a hotel, a restaurant, and a church. It is also home to lots and lots of birds, including Puffins.

After the 90 minute ferry ride, we stretch our legs with a quick walk around the island, then spent some time watching the puffins. We worked our way back to the restaurant and had a very yummy lunch, then over to the church, where we were surprised to find such amazing murals.

Puffins (4 of 4)
Puffin portrait

Puffins (2 of 4)
Front view

Puffins (3 of 4)
Me and my shadow

Puffins (1 of 4)
It's always best to squawk when you have an audience to listen

Flatey Island House (1 of 1)
One of the colorful houses in the town

Church Mural (1 of 3)
1st of 3 Murals in the Flatey Church

Church Mural (2 of 3)
2nd of 3 Murals in the Flatey Church

Church Mural (3 of 3)
3rd of 3 Murals in the Flatey Church - and we hope the guy with the net doesn't catch any Puffins!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Artist's style reminds me of Vincent van Gogh with all the short bursh strokes. ~CFelix

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